We have several ongoing fundraising efforts underway. Your participation in some of them is free, and we receive money to help fund our spay and neuter voucher program.
Online Shopping
Tucker Community Foundation
We also have a fund established through the Tucker Community Foundation. Tax deductible donations can be made at any time. Our fund is now fully established, and we now receive the interest from the fund to use in the community. Donations can be made in memory of loved ones, or for any other reason. Make sure you indicate that you would like your donation to go to the Mountaineer Humane Society fund. The site can be accessed at Make a Donation | Tucker Community Foundation (tuckerfoundation.net)
Online Shopping
- www.igive.com is another site that supports organizations. iGive works with different online stores to direct a percentage of the purchase price to organizations. If you are going to be shopping online anyhow, why not support us in the process. It does not add to the cost of your purchase but adds to the amount sent to us each quarter. Once again, make sure you select Mountaineer Humane Society as the organization you are supporting.
- www.goodshop.com is similar to iGive.
Tucker Community Foundation
We also have a fund established through the Tucker Community Foundation. Tax deductible donations can be made at any time. Our fund is now fully established, and we now receive the interest from the fund to use in the community. Donations can be made in memory of loved ones, or for any other reason. Make sure you indicate that you would like your donation to go to the Mountaineer Humane Society fund. The site can be accessed at Make a Donation | Tucker Community Foundation (tuckerfoundation.net)